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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Policy

Lemonade Kids Latest Carona Virus (Covid-19) Policy

Hello parents,

I hope you and your children are feeling ok with the uncertain times we are facing with the Coronavirus pandemic.  

I certainly take your children's (and your) health and well being very seriously, so it has prompted me to consider how I can best keep you safe from infection when you visit Lemonade Kids during the upcoming school holidays and term 2 during this period of time.

From current WHO and Health Department recommendations I have developed a COVID-19 Health Policy that asks all participants and assistant mentors to understand and adhere to the following:

1. Sick? Stay home!

Common sense, right? If you are sick, the Health Department tells us not to go to public places, such as work, school, shopping centres, childcare or university – in this case: Lemonade Kids. Please do not come to class or a workshop if you or your child have any one or a combination of the following complaints:

  • flu-like symptoms
  • fever
  • cough
  • shortness of breath
  • sore throat.

I look forward to welcoming you back to class only once your symptoms have resolved and you're back on your feet.

2. Contact with confirmed or investigated cases of COVID-19

If you or your child have been in contact with anybody who is being tested for, or has been confirmed positive with COVID-19 I ask you do not come to class for 14-days (the incubation period), and then only once cleared and free of any of the above symptoms.

3. Overseas Travel

At the moment, the Australian Government is asking those who have travelled internationally to commit to a 14-day self-quarantine. 

The government recommendations are current at the time of writing this (4pm on Monday 16.3.20) please keep up to date here: travel advice, which is regularly updated and can be reviewed here.

Evidence suggests this virus spreads very easily from person-to-person through close contact with an infectious person, contact with droplets from an infected person’s cough or sneeze, and touching objects or surfaces that have cough or sneeze droplets from an infected person, and then touching your mouth or face. 

4. Class procedures

I will be doing everything I can to stop the spread of infection at Lemonade Kids with a no physical contact rule, wiping down of equipment and asking parents to provide their own children's equipment where applicable – but I need your help to keep a safe, clean space by:

  • Washing yours and your children's hands/use hand sanitiser before and after class.
  • Practice good personal hygiene. 

This hasn't been put together lightly. I want to protect you and the most vulnerable members of our community. Only together can we best protect you and keep your children fit, healthy and in class!

I also want to keep classes running as and where possible. Despite the growing concern, I want our community to stay thriving and connected during these uneasy times. I believe smiles, happiness and social interaction should be maintained where possible, within the limits and safety advice our Government has suggested

Class Cancellation Policy
If any classes need to be cancelled due to COVID-19 all participants will be entitled to a full refund or credit (their choice).

As you know this is an evolving situation, I will keep you informed if anything changes. Thank you for your understanding and support. If you have any concerns, please get in touch!

Thank you,



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